Some of the worlds most desirable and sought after Hardwood timbers.
Jarrah (Eucalyptus Marginata)
Once known by the early Colonists to Western Australia as Swan River Mahogany due to its similarity to the better known Mahogany. Now we know it as Jarrah ~ a versatile and unique hardwood renowned throughout the world for its hardness, practical applications and the beauty and richness of the feature and colour tones.
Ranging in colour from a pale pink to rich blood reds, with redish browns and deep crimsons in between. This with a grain feature that carries from long straight grains to swirling waves of pattern grains and fiddleback or curly tiger stripe feature. A remarkable timber with a great and varied history that invites the admirer to touch and feel the vibrant and rich texture of this beauty among natures gifts.
Jarrah grows only in Western Australia

Marri or Redgum (Corymbia calophylla)

Marri being ‘Blood’ in the Nyoongar ~ which refers to the blood like sap or gum that bleeds from the tree.
Once also known as the Medicine Tree for its antiseptic and anti bacterial properties when used on open wound ~ among other things.
Until 15 or so years ago this timber was not favoured by furniture makers and was generally milled for pulp or discarded as inferior by builders and trades.
Now highly sought after for the interesting gum veins and sap channels that give feature to the honey coloured warmth of this timber.
With the use of high tech resins, glues and finishes available to skilled craftsmen like myself, we can now achieve fantastic results from this once overlooked and underrated material.
Some of the worlds most desirable and sought after Hardwood timbers.
Is made of wood and grows on trees....………….. Sorry, cant help it.
I often get people coming in to the shop and with genuine interest ask me “ Where do your get your timber from?” . . . .
I am compelled to reply “ From trees . .. .”
Of course, being a sensitive type, I then go on to describe the various methods I have of sourcing timber and materials.
Mostly from trees. . . ……...
Or what used to be trees ~ then it may have become an old house ( well new when it was built . .), or a Warehouse, or farm shed, a railway or timber road bridge perhaps, even railway wagon timbers ~ or timber from old Water tank stands or industrial workshops, perhaps even that old Wharf or Jetty now falling down and well past its use by date. And of course, also from commercial sources such as our own mill here in Nannup. (Nannup Timber Processing)
On occasion even cut by my own fair hand in the heat and dust of my own portable mill.
This from trees that are deadfall or have been taken down on private property for safety reasons. Perhaps a farmer has a bit of mess when one falls on his fence line and would like to see it put to good use, rather than just swearing at it for a while ~ then burning it . . . . !
All valid and careful use of our diminishing resource.
There is a lot to be said about how and where we source our timber ~ and guys like me will sit down and chitter all day about how, when, and where we get out hands on it ~ it is in our souls, like the splinters we wear in our hands, it is our passion and we do it all with great pride.